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Awakening of the

ο χορός της

Isadora Duncan

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Discovering the feminine essence through movement, symbols and archetypes of the Greek Deities.

Every woman hides a primordial power within her. A power that was buried, but not lost over the centurie. The archetypes that appear in mythology are sources of primordial power and the link to a deeper feminine substance that we should try to comprehend, love and evolve. A series of self-improvement sessions, which, through the eyes of an actor, focus on a different Deity as a life role each month, allowing analysis and research through body and mind exercises, improvisations and discussions.

Few words by the lecturer)

Many times an important moment comes into our lives and changes everything; when the journey of awareness, inner search, acquaintance with self and purpose, begins. I call this magical moment 'The Awakening of the Goddess'. Discovering the Goddess inside me, through a long research on archetypes, was the occasion for a first step of self-improvement, a step closer to self-awareness and several steps forward, towards my development and evolution as a person, actor and performer. That is why I highly recommend this workshop to every woman.

Contact us for more info on a regular attendance (private or group courses) with a monthly contribution, or for the possibility of periodic attendance in the form of a seminar.

See participation rules here

Σάντρα Βούλγαρη

Myrsini Morelli was born and raised in Athens. She studied Acting at the New York Acting Studio and classical music at the Athens International Conservatory. She continued her studies with a Dance Class in London, performing arts seminars at the National Theater and an Erasmus program in Slovenia. In 2018 he was among the successful Art Campus program under the auspices of the Athens Concert Hall. She started her career with the opera Vertheros on the National Opera, since then she has participated in many productions of musical theater, including the musical The Wretches of V. Hugo and the Twins of D. Trypanis on the Alternative Stage of ELS. He has also sung in vocal ensembles and professional choirs in Greece and abroad. He has acted in many different roles in classical and modern repertoire. Her last participation was in the play Erotos Ivris at the Michalis Kakogiannis Foundation. She has also participated in the first attempt to reconstruct the ancient tragedy of Euripides "Cretans", by the Art & Dance Group Atrapos, in the ancient theater of Tanagra, the theater Avaton and the theater Chytirio. He has participated in popular television series on foreign and Greek television and in films in Britain and Italy. He is currently preparing for the shooting of the American film entitled Family Home, rehearsing for W. Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar", while at the same time he will direct for the first time the comedy "In the office" by Panagiota Avramopoulou.

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